Volunteering for an environmental group can be rewarding and fulfilling

BLog 5 - Tips on Volunteering in Sligo

The Sligo Volunteer Centre is the place to find the organization that suits you
If you would like to get involved in your local community and in enhancing the environment that we live in, there are lots of ways to do this all around County Sligo.
There are lots of different voluntary organizations in working hard to improve the environment we live in, and – no matter what your skill set or how much time you can commit – they are always interested in speaking with new members.
Sligo Volunteer Centre have roles with Coast Care groups and Tidy Towns groups all around County Sligo. Typically in the spring and summer time, additional roles come on stream like Coast care groups organising Green Awareness walks in their area, with opportunities for volunteers to share their knowledge and guide the walk. Many of the festivals and events that are held over the Summer months are very conscious of running a sustainable and low environmental impact event. There are regularly roles for volunteers to get involved in pre and post festival cleanups as well as, as ambassadors for recycling or in fun activities through organisations like ‘Every Can Counts’.
If you are not inclined to be hands on in these environmental roles – there are other ways that you can get involved and help in the promotion of sustainability, protecting our environment and being Green Aware.
Concern run a debates programme on topical issues for post primary students. Topics like Climate Change, Gender and world politics and current affairs are high on the agenda. They require adjudicators to mark the debate and full training is given.
Another way you can get involved is by volunteering in your local Charity shop. The clothing industry has a huge environmental impact. By supporting and getting involved in your local charity shop you are assisting with the ‘Reduce, reuse and recycle’ campaign. Charity Shops all around Sligo are always seeking new volunteers.
To find out about any of these ways to volunteer, contact Sligo Volunteer Centre on 071-911 1042, check out their website www.volunteersligo.ie or email info@volunteersligo.ie . We would also love to hear from any community or group who want to find out how to get more volunteers involved with their activities.