This proposed closure is for Sunday 16th July 2023.
Road Closure Notice - Sligo Stage Rally
Notice is hereby given of the decision of Sligo County Council to close to public traffic the roads listed hereunder during the periods indicated on Sunday, 16th July, 2023 to facilitate the holding of a Motor Rally by Connacht Motor Club (Sligo) Ltd.
1.Period of Closure 08.48 to 18.05
In Ballintogher village at Toberanania townland: From junction R290 with L-7613 at Toberanania, the L-12011-0 and its junction with the L-12013-0, L-12012-0, L-12014-0 to the L-1201-0. The L-1201-0 and its junction with L-52048-0, L-12015-0, L-12018-0. The L-5205-0 in Lavally, through junctions of L-52052-0 and L-52054-0, the L-52055-0 and L-52053-0. The L-5206-0. The L-5201-0 in Rooghan townland, and into the Tunnagh Townland. The L-1201in Lavally townland; past junction with L-12017-0 and the L-52015-0 to junction L-1201 and L-5202.
Alternative route for traffic (Ballintogher to Riverstown route) will be via townlands Tubbernania, Rathegan, Barroe, Lavally travel via Ballintogher village on the R290 to Ballygawley Village join the R284, travel via Sooey to Coola Cross, take local road L1303 to Rivertown.

2. Period of Closure 09.27 to 18.36
In Coolemoneen townland at Local Road L-1901-0, in Ballinphull townland along the L-5103-0. Past junction with L-51036-0, L-51032-0, Past junction of L-5103-0 and the L-5104-0 in Cabragh td; along to the junction with L-51031-0
Magheralackagh townland – along the L-1903-0 past the junction with L-59011-0
Moytirra East townland, the L-5902-0 to the junction with L-1902-0 in Highwood townland; along to the crossroads at Highwood, the junction of with L-1904 and L-5903-0, along the L-1904, past junction with L-19042-0 in Moytirra East townland; past L-19045-0, L-19046-0, L-19041-0. At Ballindoon crossroads onto the L-1905-0 in Derry Beg townland towards Heapstown crossroads in Cartronroe townland.
Alternative route for traffic ( Geevagh, Killmactranny to Castledawin route)
- From townlands Ballinphull, Cabragh, Killnamanagh, Flagfield, travel the R284 via Geevagh to Ballyfarnon, take local road L1006 via Kilmactranny, join the L1013 at the junction with L1012 continue via Ardeevin townland to join the N4, travel via Ballinfad to Castledawin.
- From townlands Highwood, Moytirra East travel the L1904 via Killmactranny join the L1013 at the junction with L1012 continue via Ardeevin townland to join the N4, travel via Ballinafad to Castlebaldwin.

3. Period of Closure 10.04 to 19.13
Spotfield Td, along the L-5501-0 to its junction with L-5505-0 in Carrickbanagher Td., along the L-5505-0, past it’s junction with L-55051-0, onto the L-5504-0 in Carrigans Lower Td, along the L-5506-0, past the junction of L-5506-0 with L-55061-0, onto the L-15016-0 in Carrowcushcly Td to its junction with L-15014-0 in Arndaglass Td., along the L-15014-0 to its junction with L-1501-0, along the L-1501-0 in Carrownree Td, to it’s junction with the L-55043-0, along the L-55043-0/ L-55041-0 past its junction with L-15011-0, and the junction with L-5504-0, along the L-5504-0 in Carrickbanagher Td onto the L-5503-0 past it’s junction with L-55031-0, ending at L-5501-0 in Carrigeensallagh Td.
Alternative route for traffic ( Drumfin to Ballymote/Collooney)
- From townlands of Branchfield, Freeheen, Carrigans Lower travel to Drumfin Cross and join the L3700 and travel south towards Castledawin and north towards Collooney
- From townlands of Ardnaglass, Carrickbangher, Knockadalteen, Carroncush, and Carrowroe travel and join the R293, travel south to Ballymote and travel north to Colloney via the N17.

In the interests of safety, roads adjoining the above mentioned routes will be closed for a distance of 200 metres.
For further information please contact Sarah McNamara at 071 9111495.
Emer Concannon
A/Director of Services