Model Publication Scheme

Sligo County Council’s ‘Model Publication Scheme’ is prepared in accordance with Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

The purpose of the Scheme is to assist public understanding of the Local Authority and its functions, to explain procedures, and to provide a reference to information held by the Authority.

The scheme provides a mechanism to address the public interest in:

  1. allowing public access to information held by the Authority,
  2. the publication of reasons for FOI decisions made by the Authority,
  3. publishing information of relevance or interest to the general public in relation to its activities and functions generally. 

The information in this publication presented under a number of headings:

  1. Information about the Authority
  2. Services provided or to be provided
  3. Decision making process for major policy proposals
  4. Financial information
  5. Procurement
  6. FOI Disclosure Log For non-personal information

Download  Model Publication Scheme 2016 (PDF) - 1,562 kbs