The Social Prescribing service is funded by the Sligo LCDC under Healthy Ireland and is currently delivered by Sligo Family Resource Centre in Sligo town and surrounding area.
Social Prescribing

Sligo Family Resource Centre Health and Wellbeing Service provide people with the opportunity to have face to face conversation about non - medical issues that affect their daily lives. These may include: dealing with the effects of poor housing, debt, stress, diet and loneliness. Many people feel overwhelmed and unable to find ways that could make a difference to their lives. This is especially true for people who have long-term conditions, who need support with their mental health, who are lonely or isolated, or who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
The Sligo FRC Health and Wellbeing Service is a service that works on the widely used Social Prescribing model. Social Prescribing is a means where GPs, PHNs, health professionals, community and social care services can refer people to address some of the issues outlined above. People can also self-refer.
It comes at a time when our daily lives have significantly changed as a result of COVID-19. There is no doubt the last 7 months has brought many challenges for everyone and services such as this will empower those who need social, emotional and practical support.
The aim of the service is to support people and identify what matters to them, and work out how to connect with the activities that might make a difference. This gives people a sense of belonging - being part of a community group. It helps them to find a new sense of purpose, enjoying new activities they might not otherwise have tried before. Enabling them to stay physically and mentally well for longer and manage the long-term conditions they might be living with.
If you or someone you know would like to avail of this service or require any further information please do not hesitate to make contact – we would be delighted to speak with you.
Social Prescribing Co-ordinator: Loretta McLoughlin
Contact Number: 083 403 6985
Address: Sligo Family Resource Centre, 49 The Mall, Sligo.
Facebook: Sligo FRC Health and Wellbeing Service