'Habits to Happiness' is a new Walks, Talks and Wellbeing initiative planned by Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership supporting people to develop positive habits for a healthier, happier and more active lifestyle for Spring and beyond.
Sligo Getting Active with ‘Habits 2 Happiness’ initiative

Central to the initiative is the national Get Ireland Walking app which is encouraging people to be active for a 21 Day Walks Challenge. In addition, a series of three online talks by guest speakers on health and wellbeing will take place which will hopefully motivate people to stay focussed on the challenge and support them in making walking a daily habit.
The initiative officially starts on Monday 22nd March and will run until Sunday 14th April 2021 but people can join along the way for 21 consecutive days of walking. A pre and post 12 minute walking fitness test will help people track their fitness improvement over the duration of the challenge.
A series of talks will take place with leading experts in the fields which is intended to support people to make the necessary behavioural changes to make exercise an ongoing part of their daily life.
Professor Niall Moyna of Dublin City University and is a leading sports scientist with expert views on fitness for life and he will talk about the role of physical activity and exercise throughout the life cycle and particularly for ageing well.
Adventurer Pat Falvey will talk about how the habit of walking has brought him great happiness. He will share tales of his personal and inspiring walking journeys which took him to amazing places including Mount Everest and the South Pole.
Psychologist Shane Martin will give an empowering talk on ‘Your Precious Life, How to Live it Well’ offering practical tools to help improve your quality of life through the various elements of positive psychology.
‘Habits to Happiness’ is part funded under the Sligo County Council KEEP WELL campaign which is a Healthy Ireland initiative of the Government of Ireland with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund and the Sláintecare fund delivered by Pobal.
Further details on the ‘Habits to Happiness’ and to register see www.sligosportandrecreation.ie