2021 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of Sligo Local Community Development Committee held on Thursday 16th December 2021 at 9.30 a.m. (via MS Teams)


  • Cllr Dara Mulvey, Local Government Member, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Cllr Tom Fox, Local Government Member, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Mr. Martin Lydon, Local Government / CE, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Mr. John Reilly, Local Government / LEO, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Mr. John Kennedy, State Agency, Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection - (by video)
  • Mr. John Feerick, Local Development Sector, Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG - (by video)
  • Ms. Patricia Garland, State Agency, Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan HSE - (by video)
  • Mr. Peter Egan, State Agency, Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim ETB - (by video)
  • Ms. Kathleen Henry, Farming / Agriculture Interests, Farming / Agriculture Pillar - (by phone)
  • Mr. Pat Fallon, Trade Union Interests, Irish Congress of Trade Unions - (by video)
  • Dr. Connie Nell, Environmental Interests, Environment Pillar (PPN) - (by video)
  • Ms. Noelle O’Gara, Social Inclusion, PPN - (by phone)
  • Mr. Pat Benson, Community & Voluntary, PPN - (by video)


Apologies /Absent

  • Mr. Brendan Lynch, Social Inclusion, PPN
  • Ms. Jean Finnerty, Community & Voluntary, PPN
  • Mr. Aidan Doyle, Business Interests, Sligo Chamber of Commerce
  • Cllr. Joseph Queenan, Local Government Member, Sligo County Council


In Attendance

  • Ms. Dorothy Clarke, LCDC Chief Officer, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Ms. Margaret McConnell, Senior Executive Officer, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Mr. Gordon Burke, AEC Officer, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Ms. Niamh Harkin, A/Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Ms. Geraldine Timlin, Social Inclusion Officer, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Mr. Jude Mannion, Staff Officer, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Ms. Fiona Gilligan, Staff Officer, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Ms. Marcella McGarry, Healthy Sligo Co Ordinator, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Ms. Lisa Kelly, Clerical Officer, Sligo County Council - (by video)
  • Ms. June Murphy, Programme Manager (SICAP), County Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG - (by video)
  • Ms. Tara Gallagher, Graduate, Sligo County Council - (by video)


Councillor Dara Mulvey opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance.


1.  Declarations of Interest

No conflict of interest was declared.


2.  Minutes of meeting 2nd November 2021

Minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd September 2021 were proposed by Mr. John Feerick, seconded by Mr. John Kennedy and agreed.


3.  Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


4.  Update on LECP process – ‘Sligo 2030 One Voice One Vision’

Report circulated to Members in advance of the meeting.  Ms. Dorothy Clarke briefed Members on the update since the November meeting of the LCDC and advised of positive feedback to the 6 workshops held on the 1st and 2nd December. The purpose of these workshops was to provide an opportunity to the key stakeholders to contribute to the development of the objectives and actions of the Sligo 2030 plan. Participants were given an overview of the draft objectives and actions for each of the six agreed high-level goals with an overview of the draft emerging smart and sustainable model for Sligo also provided.

Ms. Patricia Garland asked if there would be an opportunity for individual divisions within the HSE to feedback further before the Plan is finalised.

It was noted that feedback from the workshops will be used to further refine and develop objectives, actions and outcomes for the Plan.

Dr. Connie Nell mentioned the recent launch of the LECP Guidelines by the DRCD and queried why Sligo had proceeded with Sligo 2030/LECP in advance of guidelines being in place.

Ms. Margaret McConnell confirmed that the current LECP for Sligo was coming to an end on the 31st December 2021 and advised that the Council were in contact with the DRCD who acknowledged that there was a delay in the finalising of the new Guidelines and they had no issue with LCDCs proceeding as the new Guidelines would not vary much from the existing Guidelines with the exception of new implementation plans proposed. Ms. McConnell advised that the Advisory Steering Group (ASG) had been briefed at meetings in June and October. Membership of the ASG was outlined to Members.

The revised Statement will be presented to the Municipal Districts for approval and will then be published on the Council’s website. Ms. Clarke advised that finalization of the Sligo 2030 Plan is targeted for the end of Q1 of 2022.


5.  Presentation on Sligo Brand Project

Ms. Margaret McConnell delivered a presentation on Sligo Brand and reminded Members of the launch of the Sligo. Brand in October 2019 to facilitate a coordinated approach to the collective promotion of Sligo.

Ms. McConnell briefed Members on the story behind the Brand and advised that the ‘O’ represents Optimism, Opportunity, Openness and Unity with the circle broken up into sections to represent stakeholders, citizens and organisations living in Sligo County.

Colours used in the Brand represent the various stakeholders with greens promoting live Sligo, communities, landscape and growth; blues promote invest Sligo, work, develop and industry and the reds promote visit Sligo, tourism agencies etc

The Brand colours also are in line with Sligo 2030 and its objectives to Live Green, Invest Smart (blue) and Visit Sustainably (red).

The Sligo: Live Invest Visit is an initiative of the Sligo Economic Forum in conjunction with Sligo County Council and the Brand project acts as a Q mark for actions and activities to promote this initiative.

Ms. McConnell advised that the Members of Sligo LCDC are ambassadors for the live, invest and visit propositions and Members were asked to refer to the brand, its vision and key messages in public communication and to promote and support the brand through events and that the Council would be in touch further on this matter.

It was noted that a list of events is being compiled for Quarter 1 of 2022 and each Member of the LCDC were asked to notify the team on any events/initiatives for inclusion on the calendar.



  1. Update on SICAP 2021 & Case Study
  2. SICAP Budget Increase 2022 – DRCD email 1.12.21 & Pobal email 1.12.21
  1. Report outlining the update on SICAP 2021 was circulated in advance of the meeting. Ms. June Murphy briefed Members on progress to date and advised that targets under both Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been overachieved - KPI 1 (Supporting Groups) – 111% of the annual target achieved and KPI 2 (Supporting Individuals) - 132% of annual target achieved to date.

    It was noted that total budget spend is at 91% at the 30th November with a deadline of the 16th December for final payments for 2021 (in Sligo LEADER Partnership). Ms. Murphy advised of a potential underspend of €3,500 for 2021 which may be carried over to 2022.

    Members were also reminded of a 3rd target in relation to the percentage of Individuals supported under KPI 2 who reside in disadvantaged areas, the set target of 18% has been exceeded with 36% of Individuals supported from disadvantaged areas to date.

    Ms. Murphy then briefed Members on projects being delivered under both SICAP goals and advised of Case Study for 2021 (also circulated to Members).

    It was noted that 57 unemployed people have been supported to set up their own business this year.

    Ms. Murphy also advised that Sligo LEADER Partnership have started to pilot the My Journey Distance Travelled Tool with participants on Barista Training.
  2. Ms. Margaret McConnell advised of a budget increase for SICAP 2022 with confirmed budget of €669,418 advised by the DRCD and Pobal on 1st December. It was noted that the 2022 Annual Plan is to be updated to reflect this budget increase and will be circulated to the LCDC for approval at their next meeting proposed for February 2022.

    Ms. McConnell advised that a meeting of the Social Inclusion & SICAP Monitoring Committee will be scheduled for late January/early February to consider the draft Plan in advance of the LCDC meeting.

    Mr. John Feerick advised that Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG were successful in winning the tender for the DEASP Local Area Employment Service which will be delivered in partnership with Leitrim Local Development Company and will develop a wraparound service for unemployed persons in the Sligo/Leitrim area.


7.  Update on Healthy Ireland Programme

Report circulated to Members in advance of the meeting.  Ms. Marcella McGarry briefed Members on this report and advised of a programme extension to the 31st March 2022 which will allow for completion of all actions and activities and achievement of full spend in respect of Round 3.  This extension will also facilitate planning for Round 4.

Ms. McGarry advised of 35 projects completed under the Community Resilience Fund (CRF) in collaboration with other agencies.  It was noted that videos developed earlier this year under the CRF proved very positive with over 110,000 views.

Ms. McGarry also advised of feedback from Pobal in respect of the work undertaken by Sligo under Round 3 of the Programme with the impact of Covid 19 restrictions evident across several actions.  Pobal noted that Sligo is progressing all actions and have been proactive in making changes in order to gain the best outcomes.

Data protection issues were noted with regards to linking with the HSE and sharing information on registers maintained in respect of older people.

Members were requested to like and share the Sligo Diaspora Tree which will provide an opportunity for connecting the Sligo community at home and abroad over the Christmas period.


8.  Update on PPN

Report circulated to Members in advance of the meeting. Dr Connie Nell briefed Members

on the update with regards the PPN and advised of the Secretariat’s meeting with Mr. Martin Lydon, CE to begin discussions around how the PPN and Sligo County Council could strengthen their partnership, identify joint priorities for action and explore how public participation can be further supported in the county.

Members were informed that the PPN is currently compiling the community support calendar for 2022 and are engaging with Sligo Volunteer Centre in this regard.

Sligo PPN is also undertaking a project whereby they plan to connect directly with each member group registered. This project hopes to build connections and ascertain how groups view the PPN and what groups feel the PPN should focus on going forward.

In relation to national initiatives, Dr Nell advised that Sligo PPN have made a submission to the DRCD for the development of a national wellbeing vision comprising of data collated nationwide through the work of the PPNs.


9.  To note report in relation to the launch of the Community Activities Fund (under the Community Enhancement Programme)

Report circulated to Members in advance of the meeting.

Mr. Jude Mannion briefed Members on this report and advised that the DRCD announced the launch of the Community Activities Fund (CAF) in November 2021 with an allocation of €268,168 to Sligo LCDC.  Since the Community Enhancement Programme was introduced, Sligo has received funding of almost €1million.  It was noted that Covid 19 continues to impact on communities and this new Fund will assist in supporting groups with running costs.  An additional category is also provided under CAF whereby groups can apply for funds in respect of both running costs (i.e., operational expenditure) and capital costs such as repairs/improvements to a facility or equipment purchases.

Mr. Mannion advised that the scheme will be advertised in the local press and on social media on 11th January with a national closing date of 28th February 2022 for applications.  All applicants must be registered with the PPN.

Members were advised that a report outlining recommendations for funding will be brought to a future meeting of the LCDC for approval following evaluation of applications received.


10.  Correspondence

  1. The Community Activities Fund – DRCD email 11.11.21
  2. Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2022 - €55.5 million in funding to help address disadvantage – DRCD email 12.11.21
  3. My Journey: Distance Travelled Tool update – DRCD email 26.11.21

Correspondence as above was noted by Members.


11.  Provisional Schedule for LCDC/LAG Meetings in 2022 - Date for next LCDC/LAG meeting – Thursday 24th February 2022

Provisional schedule was circulated in advance of the meeting with date of 24th February 2022 noted by Members. Ms. Margaret McConnell advised that 2022 dates may change due to the timeline of the Sligo 2030 process and requirements under the LEADER Programme.


12.  AOB

Mr. Martin Lydon, CE asked that Members familiarise themselves with reports circulated in advance of LCDC/LAG meetings in order to ensure meetings run as efficiently as possible.


Meeting concluded at 10.55 a.m.


LCDC Minutes - 16th December 2021 (PDF) - 181 kbs


Meeting Date 16/12/2021